Sharon Dolak
ICF Certified Master Coach | Mediator | Arbitrator

Hello and welcome!

I am Sharon Dolak. I am an ICF Certified Master Coach, Conflict Resolution Coach, Mediator, and Career Transition Coach.


International Coaches Federation Certified Master Coach 

Life Coach: Martha Beck Coaching – 2005
Career Direction Coaching – 2005
Mediation Basic: Texas Women’s University – 2006
Workplace Mediation and Arbitration: Mediators Without Borders- 2013
Mediation Family: Mediation Dynamics – 2013
Arbitration: Manousso Mediation and Arbitration, LLC – 2020

“Sharon has an unusual ability to analyze a process or situation, especially those involving human interactions, getting quickly to the heart of the matter, then facilitating positive change for individuals and groups. She is perceptive, passionate about working with people, and constructive and effective in every interaction. Sharon demonstrates an ability to communicate and relate to others in a way that was challenging, supportive, and highly effective for her clients, who quickly responded to her insights, sincerity and encouragement. “-R Sheehan


Let me introduce you to the person and life you imagine!

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Schedule a free consultation to learn more about my coaching services and the opportunities available to you. 

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Certified Master Coach